Saturday, March 11, 2006

Return to Chiquitines

After the excitement of our beach holiday we are back in Cali to finalize the adoption. We had previously scheduled an appointment to return to Chiquitines for a meeting with a representative from the mothers home to hear a little bit about their programs and to discuss more details about Charlotte´s background. We had gifts for the people who had taken care of Charlotte during here time here, and we also had clothing and other donations we had brought with us from Montreal. We also wanted to spend some time looking around the orphanage and meeting with some of the children.

Proud Mum and Dad with Charlotte

Charlotte, her carers and the Doctor on the day we collected her

Our meeting was quite an emotional one and we now have more information we can share with Charlotte when the time is right. This is a story just for her, and a special gift for her when she is a little older. We also have a lovely picture of her at about one week old, oh how she has come on since then! Our little bundle is now four months old and doing very well.

Chiquitines is a special place, and the short time we spent with the children there touched both of us. It´s quite true, once you meet them you really do want to bring them all back with you. It´s a moving and heartbreaking experience all at the same time. One can only hope that all the children we met will find their special homes very, very soon.


At 8:18 AM, Blogger GarathEmma said...

D,M,S and V
We finally got back on line after much effort. We will post more updates as we go, but we are now in Bogota sorting out our visas before we head back to Canada. We had a tearful goodbye at the Arboleda last night, we were sad to leave. The poor Umansky´s have had nothing but technical problems, Albert´s camera broke and then the internet went down so they have been out of touch for a while. They did get a blog started but have been unable to add to it. Apart from that things seemed to be going well for them, and their kids are real gems. They are still waiting for news on their judgement though and I believe they have a flight in about a week which they may have to change as there are some Colombian holidays approaching. When I get a chance I will post some more photo´s. Our trip to the passport office went smoothly, mainly thanks to Fabiola who seemed to cut through all the queues like we were the only people there! Our wait to pay for the passports was pretty much the same as yours. An hour and a half in line, getting French and Spanish lessons from Valentina! We loved the beach and would certainly recommend it, if only to break up the trip. We have met with two other families here in Bogota who have been here 5 weeks and still no news on their judgement! They are going CRAZY here, the weather is cooler, especially at night when we have had to dress Charlotte for the first time. We woke up this morning and her poor little hands were freezing! Anyway, that´s about it for now. Thanks for keeping in touch, hope all is well with you in Oz.


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