Saturday, February 18, 2006

Arrival !

Let´s get this blog going with a quick hello. We´re very happy to have arrived in one piece and very excited to be picking up our lovely daughter Charlotte on Monday from Chiquitines. Everyone here at the hotel has been very friendly and our pigeon Spanish is just helping us get by. We`ve met a lovely Australian couple who are here adopting their second child, so we`ve been spoilt for English conversation from people who have already been through this and we feel a lot more at home because of that. Anyway, I am sure we will have more of interest in the coming weeks as we discover more about Charlotte and what it means to become new parents in a strange, new environment.

This is a quick snap of Emma posing with Charlotte´s wardrobe FULL of clothes that we brought with us from Montreal (it was a 50kg case if you were wondering!)


At 7:48 PM, Blogger GarathEmma said...

I knew that Sky was a bad idea for you guys :-)

Blog - stands for web log and is simply an online commentary written directly to a website.

Thanks for commenting. xxx

At 5:27 AM, Blogger linda said...

Hi emma and Garath,

It is 8:25 and I am imagining you at chiquitines at this moment. I am, of course, tearing up just thinking about it. As always my heart is there with you.
Love Linda and family

At 10:00 AM, Blogger BooBoo said...


She's beautiful - Groomer 3 says hi to Munter 3! :)

Rosemary can't wait to meet her new "scorpio" friend.

Looking forward to hearing more about all the new adventures.

Lots of love,


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