Monday, February 20, 2006 she is !!

We took the short trip this morning up to the Chiquitines to collect Charlotte. After a meeting with the orphange director and some of the people who had been taking care of Charlotte, there was a big fanfare and in she came dressed in a wonderful green dress with matching hat and pants. She looked great and everyone was so proud as they handed her over to Emma. We were both over the moon, and Charlotte rewarded Emma with a huge smile!

We will have a number of trips back to the orphanage of the next few weeks as the adoption is finalized so we headed back to the hotel after about an hour and here we are! Charlotte is lovely, very strong as she is already turning over and lifting her head well. She is sleeping peacefully on Emma right now, but since she has quite an appetite I am sure we will be feeding her very shortly! More updates to come...


At 9:54 AM, Blogger linda said...

OHHH Emma and Garath she is just SO SO beautiful. I know too well what a long and difficult wait this has been for you both. I am overjoyed to see you happy with your beautiful and healthy daughter in your arms. ENJOY every second.
Congratualtions and tons of kisses to Charlotte,
Love Linda and family
PS - Caroline says she is a cute litle chipmunk. Glad to see she still has those chipmunk cheeks.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger FarkaFisch Family said...

After an excited phone call from my hubby, I came on line and saw what we've been waiting oh so long to see. She is absolutely beautiful and looks quite content in her parent's arms! I almost cried (no surprise these days) and we can't wait to see and hear more! I will be showing Malcolm and Rudy the pictures of Charlotte after their nap... Congratulations Emma, Garath and Charlotte!
All our love, the Farkafisch family

At 11:59 AM, Blogger FarkaFisch Family said...

Ahhh... finally everything is right in the universe.
Rob here... had to add my $0.02. Charlotte is beautiful and I'm looking forward to the first family picture.
Thinking of you always!

At 1:36 PM, Blogger linda said...

Emma and Garath,

Diana and Felipe just came home and saw Charlotte's photo and they wanted to share their thoughts:
Felipe says: "holy moly ravioli, thats one big baby but oh so cute!
Diana says "oh my gosh, she's just too too cute"
Caroline says "Garath looks like such a dad now"
Congrats from Diana Felipe and Caroline Piquette

At 2:21 PM, Blogger FarkaFisch Family said...

"Can we go play with Charlotte tomorrow?" followed by "Where is Buster?" These were Malcolm's exact words!
Hope your day is going well.
Can't wait to hear from you again!


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